Monday, January 12, 2009

In the news....

I wish I had a nice sunny picture to go with this, but I don't. For any of us who liked yesterday's weather around here, you'll simply love it today. It's the same only moreso.

In the news, Barack Obama apparently has decided that his first foreign visit to another country will be to Canada, and our news services were all a-twitter at the announcement. Hell, let's face it, Kiddies: we're in a recession, the American economy is in the dumpster, and our capital, Ottawa, is a lot closer to Washington than any other. It's just good sense and wise economics that Barack should opt to come here instead of some far away place.

Moving along, today's Globe and Mail highlights Dubya's final news conference in which he almost fesses up. Reminds me of something that George Orwell once said:- "Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac." George Orwell was obviously smarter than Dubya.

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