Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Restored:- Sidebar when UAC is Off ....

God Bless Google! Without whom, I'd never learn these things.... When I turned off the U.A.C. in Windows 7 a couple of days ago, the Sidebar and gadgets mysteriously quit working.

I've just discovered why, and what to do about it. This is done on purpose, to prevent those of us out here among the great unwashed masses from installing some malware-ridden junky gadget while the User Accounts Control is turned off. However, if you're careful about what you're downloading, and scan it before installing with a good anti-virus program, then it should be safe to run the Sidebar and gadgets while the U.A.C. is off.

This involves a Registry edit, and here is where to find it if you're comfortable with modifying your registry. Just take your time, and be careful, and the Sidebar and gadgets will once again be working when you're finished. (See above image.)

I whined about losing these gadgets during one of my "feedback" reports to Microsoft, not knowing about this link between the U.A.C. and Sidebar, and of course, it's part of this deal for testing the beta that we don't get any official help from Microsoft with stuff like this - that's because they want us to help each other, and they may also want to find out how much of that we're able to do on our own. Thanks to Google, we're not doing too badly.....

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