Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Better late than never....(where did the day go?)

I took these shots (there's four in the above spliced image) about 8:30 AM this morning, and then I got busy trying to sort out some computer problems (my new email program update is acting strangely - or at least not like I want it to, and I can't figure out what to do about it) - and with that, I forgot to post this to the blog. So 'better late than never'. It's been one of those days, folks. But please stay tuned - I'll try to improve with age, like good whiskey...

And if you hawk-eyed viewers see any little wonky parts in the above panorama ( and there are some) please blame Canon's Photostitch - I did everything it said, and the joints of the four images that were joined all showed straight lines for the seam areas, which means that
those joints were as good as it gets. But I learned afterward (by finally reading the directions for the Canon G9 camera) that there's a special setting for Panorama photos, which, if used, helps Canon's Photostitch computer program when it assembles the finished panorama - and I wasn't using that today, because..... I hadn't read the little book and didn't know about it.
Old know-it-alls are hard to change. But I'm trying... I'll give it hell next time!

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