Monday, July 20, 2009

Closer to home....

Some flowers across the street beside a very expensive back porch which was under construction for about a year. There's a tall hedge all around that back yard, so nobody can see these final results. And about the only time I ever notice anyone out there is when they are working on the flower beds or cutting the little patch of grass.

Moving along here, I got a new DVD player a couple of days ago. The moral of that story is that you shouldn't drop one of those on the floor while re-arranging the furniture. I had a nice almost-new one that got dropped, and afterward, all its images were constantly jiggling and jittering up and down on the screen. Obviously damaged the laser system.

The good news is, this latest new one works fine, and last night I watch three movies before finally nodding off. If nothing else, it resulted in a better class of nightmares than I've been having lately. I won't go into a big rant about people who get rich and famous pretending to be people they aren't. That's for another time, perhaps.

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