Friday, December 18, 2009

'Tis the season to....

To enjoy all the seasonal nonsense typical of this time of year. I do enjoy some of the reruns of seasonal movies, which are a nice change from all those blow-'em-ups and shoot- 'em-ups we're constantly bombarded with the rest of the time. But I wonder about some of the other silliness that seems to be repeated every year. 

How about that ad on TV telling us to bring our dog down to someplace or other for a picture with Santa? Does your dog believe in Santa? Or would it rather do something on his leg? And how about those Chia Pets we never see any other time of year? Does your cat really need one that grows 'cat grass'? And what exactly is 'cat grass'? Any relation to catnip?

And what's the story on all those high-priced chocolates we never see any other times of the year? Are they made fresh each new season, or are they stuck in a warehouse from one Christmas to the next, until some fool buys them? Do you ever wonder about these things?

And what about electronic greeting cards? About 95% of my generation don't know the difference between a megabyte and a horsefly bite. They're computer illiterates in other words, and most of them don't own a computer. If they do, then they can barely peck out misspelled emails on them, or remember to update their security programs often enough to avoid catching some of the highly-sophisticated malware that's out there these days. And speaking of that, I continue to recommend Alwil's Avast anti-virus and ThreatFire from the folks at PC Tools.

We're told that some businesses do 40% of their annual business during the Christmas season, and that probably explains how their owners can spend some of the new year enjoying a tropical vacation. This leads me to the conclusion that Christmas was invented by a storekeeper somewhere, in collusion with the local bishop so they could increase their fortunes at the expense of the impressionable unwashed masses.

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