Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My nice old bike....

....Is visiting Dr. Kawasaki today, for a transplant of the switch that controls the electric fan on the radiator, so it won't overheat when stuck in gridlock, and while there, it's also getting the valves adjusted, so all of those 137 horses can pull their own share going down the road. And it goes down the road quite nicely. 

Up on the hill coming down from Cypress Mountain there's one part of it with a straight stretch just long enough to test how straight the bike runs without any input from me - hands off the handlebars, in other words - and it goes down the road as straight as an arrow, unless I lean to one side or the other, and then it steers with 'body English' to one side or another. All of which tells me that its frame and alignment hasn't been bent out of shape by a major crash, and that's good news considering the bike is 22 years old this year.

In those 22 years, it has gone some 84,400 Km, or 52,497 miles, proving that it can be done. I've seen reports that these bikes have gone further than that by quite a lot too. Over a 100,000 Km isn't uncommon I'm told. And I hope to find out with mine....

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