Friday, July 8, 2011

Watch this video,'s like on Star Trek Voyager

3D Printer like a Star Trek 'Replicator'

This looks like the future has arrived, almost. Now, if we could only replicate more of that powder and binder as our spaceship approaches the planet Zenon, a small foreign planet in a solar system far, far away......

And before I forget my manners, a big 'thank you' to Uncle Ron in South Carolina for sending me the link to this video. Thanks, Ron - Live Long and Prosper!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Bob who owns this ISP that I'm on says that he saw one of these 3D copiers while he was over in Alberta a while ago, and they made a pair of pliers with it. He says it's really something.

    But I suspect you'd find the pliers were cheaper to get at Home Depot or Canadian Tire. Just a guess, mind you.
