Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A little note for Monsieur Beep! ......

I've just read your blog entry of Sunday, November 20, about 'Parents' and I really wish you'd enable comments on that blog. I know you probably have your reasons for not doing so, but I wish you'd reconsider. I really wanted to add a comment on there, to say "God Bless You" and wish you well.

I think I know what you may be feeling by having parents who haven't been communicating with each other very well if at all for many years. I am one of those kind of parents, along with my first wife, who by her own admission, has only made one mistake in her whole life, and that was marrying me. It was my distinct pleasure to help her correct that mistake with a divorce, but it wasn't one of the happy kind. She has only spoken about a dozen words to me since that became final several decades ago, and I had better not repeat those words here. Suffice it to say, I don't call her 'Old Fang' for nothing. She's worked hard to achieve that title, and she deserves it.

But I'm digressing again - forgive me, please. My youngest son, from my second happily-divorced wife, was asking me recently for information about the family, because he hasn't had a lot of contact with his missing father's side of the family, and would like to know something about them. I was pleased to be able to say that none of us is in jail, but some of us are already departed from here into the hereafter. That's something the nature of which has never been adequately spelled out by anyone, even though there have been many hawkers of various religions who have tried valiantly.

Truth is, there's simply no reliable information available to the religious or the others among us. One day, I should do a good rant about religions of various stripes and how those came about, beginning with being afraid of the dark, or afraid of the 'boogie-man', and attributing spiritual values to things like rocks and trees, and elevating good story-tellers to positions of power in the tribe by giving them the task of being a shaman, skilled in all sorts of mumbo-jumbo - and it progressed from there. Ancient Egypt makes a fascinating study if you're interested in early religions, and the roots of our modern ones. Our present-day Popes have a lot in common with those ancient Pharaohs who were thought of as gods, and also doubled as the Chief High Priest of the principal or ruling temple of the land. And for a while there, that richest temple of the land controlled 55% of the gross national product of Egypt, so we aren't talking peanuts and bananas here. Monkey See, Monkey Do? You be the judge. I have my own conclusions drawn already.

There's no accurate count of the number of various religions in the world today, partly because any damned fool can start his own if he can get enough other fools to follow him. Sort of like political parties, come to think of it. But none of that should be taken as permission to assume that there isn't a God, or a Divine Creator. We just haven't adequately identified one yet. We're still in that "afraid of the dark" stage. But logically, there must be one - all of this material universe didn't suddenly materialize on its own from nothing. It takes something to make something, and it takes a Someone to put it all together. I'd better wrap this up for now, or I'll spoil the real rant I'm planning for some day about all this. But keep praying - The Collective Consciousness is listening, and in very quiet moments, if you're sufficiently sincere and humble, answers do come back. There is a Something out there. Or "in here" perhaps, depending on how you see it.

* Note: Added on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 =

Here's what is wrong with allowing any garden-variety idiot to form his own religious organization. Please read this article from Google News.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ray,
    thanks for visiting with my blog. Yeah I thought I had overcome all things related to my parents decades ago, only to find out that I´ll never be able to escape family, and now, at a late stage in my life (too late though), everything is getting to be ok, I´ve never felt so happy and strong in all my life than at the moments a few weeks ago when I visited with my mother, and had her totally by myself, and we could hug and hold hands, with nothing any more between us, and feel the most basic love of all. "Let´s forget all that shit", she exclaimed to me, and for the first time ever she was able to hold my hand, and smile at me, and look into my eyes.
    I love my mom.
