Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finally clearing off....just in time for sunset.

There's an article in the paper today about the murky atmosphere in Beijing, and one of their experts, speaking to staff at a paper aimed at foreigners there, said that it was 'probably due to pollution' - which isn't the line officially used by the government for domestic consumption by any means. For the locals, they say that it's 'just fog'.  And that 'fog' has been responsible in the past ten years for a 60 percent increase in the number of cases of lung cancer even though the smoking rate during that time hasn't risen. And 'denial' isn't a river in Egypt.

With China and India (36% of the world's population) and the U.S. and Canada all refusing to sign on for more Kyoto, it's all turning out pretty much like I figured it would - everybody's going to wring their hands and moan & groan, but nobody's going to 'bite the bullet' and actually do the tough stuff needed to reverse the trend of climate change. The world in dying, and we're the cancer that's killing it, as some keen observer once said. Proving once again what old Uncle Albert also once said: "We can't solve a problem using the same level of intelligence which created it."  So bend over, kiss your ass 'Goodbye' and get ready for all hell to break loose, Kiddies, because it's just a matter of time, and not much of that, comparatively speaking. The end of the world isn't going to come with a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder or as it says in Revelations 'the earth and sky rolled up like a scroll' - nope! It's going to die slowly, painfully, and with a lot of weeping & wailing and gnashing of teeth (for those who have them!) because we didn't know a good thing while we had a chance of making it last. Greed trumps common sense every time!
We have proof - look around you.

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