Thursday, February 23, 2012

Windows 8 plays 3,000 year old game from Ancient Egypt

This requires Adobe's Shockwave Player, and it's just possibly the oldest game in captivity these days - and it's a lot of fun too! You will find it on the site of the British Museum, under Ancient Egypt, on its Egyptian Life page. Look on the left side of the page for the word 'Challenge' and click on that. The challenge in this case is this game. It's for two players, each with five markers, and the object is to get all yours off the board first. There's rules with it, and you click on the words 'Throw Sticks' to determine how many spaces you can move a marker. If you have the sound on, those sticks make a really loud clatter, so be prepared for that, and have fun, Kiddies! Click here to go to the game page.

Please Note: When the game first loads, there will not be any markers on the board, and to load those, you need to first click on the word 'Senet' above the center of the board. Then, with the markers in place,  you use Throw Sticks to find out how many spaces to move a marker, and whose turn it is. 


  1. Ray... I don't know what you're doing with all of this but I can tell you are haveing a ball with Windows 8...Cheers my friend

  2. @ Uncle Ron

    I was one of the first testers of Windows 7, and I'm hoping to repeat that experience with Windows 8, and so I'm having a look at this early Developer's Preview of it. The public version of this will be released next week, so what I'm seeing now may be changed in that one, but it helps to get a look at what's coming. And it's fun, too.
