Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Google's 'New Look' for Blogger..... Is it ready for Prime Time?

I tried their new 'dynamic template' this morning, and I'm sorry I did that. It definitely isn't ready for Prime Time yet. I couldn't find the information for how to edit the various elements such as the header text, and had to revert it into the old original to do that editing. 

And it still has the annoying habit of reverting to its ugly little default font every time I change to adding in a picture or positioning for a new paragraph, and I have to wonder - don't they test this stuff before they throw it out here into the streets for us kids to play with? Maybe it's hazardous to our health - how do we know? 

And why does previously composed text above the line I'm working on suddenly decide to fracture into weird broken lines of fractured text for no reason except that I've moved the cursor to a fresh line, for example? Then I have to go back, line by line, using the backspace key and the other controls to get it all together again. If the New York Times had to do that while writing their stuff, we'd still be waiting for the daily papers for the 22nd of July, 1933! What the hell's the problem at Google? Can't they ever finish one thing properly before starting in on some other half-baked and half-assed project? Apparently not! Today's Question Everything has to be "WHY???"


  1. Crap Ray, what did I do? I was playing around and made my blog lok like yours, but now the pictures and video don't show up or do EXTREMELY slowly.


  2. @ Tommy -

    Got your email and will reply there!

    (Mine looks "screwed-up" too I think.)

    Looks like Google should have done better on the "return to previous" or "return to old format" thing. This new one sucks!

  3. After I posted that previous comment, two of them showed up!

    What are they smoking at Google?

    Have they got any more of it?

  4. Ray, it looks like if you take the mouse pointer and hover over a video it will load then.

    This is really screwed up.

  5. @ Tommy -

    Yes, it sure is screwed up!

    Looks like I'll have to start fresh from scratch and re-design my blog layout all over again..... and hope that Google's shit actually works the way they think it might.

    They shouldn't turn this crap loose on us until it's reliable enough to work with it without having to wonder what it will do next, and trashing what you had before while getting to that.
    Do they really know what they're doing down there? It sure doesn't look much like it from here.
    And why can't they write some better directions? Maybe they know what they expect will happen, but for those who have never seen it before, it's a mystery, and we need more information. Just saying
    "Click here and then kiss your ass goodbye!" isn't quite good enough!
