Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gourmet dining, bachelor style....

I buy a lot of those frozen dinners in a bag from the frozen section of the local supermarket, and it's no secret that the pictures on the packages look more appetizing than the real stuff ready to eat. So I like to experiment with them, and try to improve on the basic ingredients.

Tonight, I cooked up a bag of "Home Style Chicken With Vegetables and Gravy". The gravy comes frozen in little discs about the size of a silver dollar or a 'Loonie' in Canadian, and these pellets of gravy never quite seem to amount to enough of it to properly cover the other things. I usually add a small quantity of boiling water, but tonight I tried something different: half a cup of no-pulp Tropicana orange juice and about three tablespoons of 'I can't believe it's not butter'. Just delicious! That orange juice makes really flavorful gravy. You ought to try it.


  1. Now THAT my dear Ray is a unique way to make gravy. Somehow I don't usually think of OJ when dealing with grave.

  2. OOPS, that last word should have been gravy and NOT grave. There is certainly a difference.

  3. Hi, Tommy -

    Especially with OJ in it....

    I like mixing weird combinations,
    like powdered cheddar cheese on top
    of vanilla ice cream. Surprise your taste-buds!

  4. You know me Ray...I can't let this gastronomic creation go by without a comment...

    Orange Juice in gravy? Well I've heard of Brown Gray and White Gravy...and now we have Orange Gravy...Wait till the Iron Chefs hear about this...Next thing you know we'll have Lavender Blue (Dilly-Dilly) with a touch of Chartreuse Gravy...

    Sounds awful doesn't it?

    You Rock Ray!!!

    Can't wait to try it...

    (I might have to pass on the powdered cheddar cheese though...)

  5. @ Uncle Ron -

    There's lots of unusual or different combinations that we can use when cooking up a meal or a snack.

    For example, that old standby Kraft Dinner can be jazzed up a bit by adding about two-thirds of a cup of pre-cooked raisins to it. The raisins get coated with the cheese sauce, and give it a little more of a meaty feel. They're also good for you. It sounds crazy, but it really does taste quite good.
