Friday, March 23, 2012

More Musings from Oldest Living Beta Tester ( that would be me!)

Today's 'Question Everything' -

"Will Touch Computering be like Touch Typing?" Will the 'hunt-and-peckers' take over the world? Could a majority of touch-screens in use result in a new meaning of the term 'computer virus' as our germs trade hosts via the screens?

And a peek into the old Crystal Ball....

It's the future - that brave new world we struggled to get to during all those semi-delightful marginally-interesting or barely-survivable yesterdays we're now looking back on. We are almost all using Windows 12, except those few religiously dedicated die-hards of the Apple persuasion, rendered impotent by Microsoft's latest touch and voice and gesture-activated operating system which can watch you with its camera, and listen to you with its microphone, and anticipate your every desire, electronically speaking. Those dark ages while we struggled with keyboards and mice versus pokes and pinches and digital gymnastics of various skill levels and degrees of complexity all seem so remote now that we're using these latest wonderful Made-In-China, Assembled-In-India
Personal Assistants. We don't call them computers, because they're so much more than that......

After all, did you ever have a computer that said, "Ooooh! Your hands are cold this morning, Darling. You should wrap them around a nice hot cup of Seattle's Finest before you try to turn me on......" Or one that murmured "Mmmmmm......
you have such a gentle touch! Oh! I like that! Mmmm - Yes! Maybe a little lower down, Darling - leave room for the news up there...."

And that's entirely enough future for now...... but you see where it's heading.
So stay tuned, Kiddies - as a famous entertainer used to say, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"  

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