Friday, May 11, 2012

Time's cover of breastfeeding mom and son

Time magazine must be desperate for eyeballs and readers if it has to resort to cover pictures like this one on the current issue, showing a mother and her son
during breastfeeding of this anything-but-a-baby kid.

Here's the article about it in The Globe and Mail:

And here's today's L.A. Times on it.....

Has anyone interviewed Hugh Hefner about this yet? Did Time beat him to it?

Vulgarity seems to have replaced decorum as the new ideal.

I sent the Editor of the Globe and Mail an email, as follows:-

"This isn't feeding - it's foreplay!"


  1. Not everyone feels that way Ray. It's time to stop breastfeeding when the mother and child say it is.

  2. @ Tommy -

    Obviously, I come from a different era, and a different point of view.
    We had breastfeeding back then too, but our mothers didn't try to make the cover of Time to prove they could do it. And back in the Dirty Thirties, our mothers had other things to do, like helping out with the family income, in case there was one. Mine taught school ten miles down the road, and had to get there by bus early in the mornings, and didn't return
    until suppertime. Breastfeeding wasn't high on our list of priorities. We were more concerned with the basics of survival, like food and clothing and grocery money.
