Sunday, June 24, 2012

More 'this and that'....(to Tablet or not to Tablet?)

I took this just so I won't forget what these hills look like the next time it clouds over again, which, if it happens as it has been recently, should be in about another twenty minutes or so. These have been obscured by clouds for days lately, and it's half-past 2012, and we're still waiting for some nice weather.

Moving right along here (may we?) - there's a loud clamor in tech circles on the wild, wild web these days about Mighty Microsoft's entry into the tablet market,
two years behind Apple, and with something that the know-it-alls probably haven't actually seen yet, but feel qualified to judge and comment on anyway.
From the tone of all that, you'd think (a) The fate of the civilized world depends upon the outcome of this gigantic struggle between Microsoft and Apple's iPad;
(b) Everyone in the world is practically trampling one another in the streets to get their hands on one of these magical whatever-it-is thingamajigs, which don't have any price tags yet; (c) It may or may not preserve intelligent life in this half of the galaxy if it succeeds; and (d) It can't possibly succeed unless it can be made to do everything you do now on computers or portables, plus brush your teeth and comb your hair (assuming you have some) and tuck your kids into bed at nights, and all for a price that's a hundred bucks under an iPad.

So have a peek at this screenshot, Kiddies....

The significant thing about this is that heading on the first box which says that the Mobile Market Share (including tablets) is only about 7.8% of the world's market. The remaining portion, about 92%, is made up of desktop computers.
So all this noise is over a device entering a segment of the market which is presently less than eight percent of that whole world market. So there must be a lot of underemployed technology writers out there in cyberspace somewhere desperately trying to find a paycheck for creating all that uproar. So please don't believe what you hear about "the death of the desktop" or similar lines of 
'BS' - sorry, I meant 'creative writing'. 

I'm with that 92% who use a desktop, because I don't need to take it with me,
I don't want to take it with me, and you can't make me take it with me! Who needs an electronic leash everywhere they go? Isn't that what they do to prisoners when they want to keep track of them? Get the picture?

Please Note:

The link to that Market Share page is right here.

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