Wednesday, September 5, 2012

U.S. politics - the show must go on...

There's a readable piece in today's Montreal Gazette about the Democratic National Convention in progress in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I particularly enjoyed the bit quoting the former Ohio Governor who said, "If Mitt was Santa Claus, he'd fire the reindeer and outsource the elves."

I'm a simple soul, and I tend to see things in simple terms, so  all of that political intrigue and backroom finagling gets reduced in my mind to a struggle between Captain America and The Bad Guys, with President Obama being Captain America, and Mitt The Twit being the leader of the Bad Guys.

I hope Captain America and his team wins, because I think they hold the high moral ground, and understand the so-called 'common man' better than their opposition, who seem to believe that making war is good for business. And I'm well aware of the tentacles of the military/industrial giant Lockheed Martin and
its involvement in various government departments like NASA and the other dozen or so. I also recall former President 'Dubya' once giving us a speech in which he sanctimoniously read from the Bible's book of Isaiah while whipping up enthusiasm for his proposed war against Iraq, where they never did find any weapons of mass destruction, just lots of angry natives and plenty of oil.

So if I were an American, I'd be voting for Captain America, and that's because I don't think those other guys know what time it is. And yes, the economy is in the dumpster, but no, it isn't Barack Obama's fault because it's an international problem. Look at Europe, for example. After all these centuries they're still having trouble with their basic mathematics and haven't realized you can't spend what you haven't got or can't repay. So it's not exclusively an American problem, contrary to what those Republicans would like us to believe... 


  1. Ray, I agree with you and know that "Captain America" wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth!!

    I'll be putting my vote in your bucket, so to speak..

  2. Thanks, Tom!

    We're all in this together, even though I'm across the border in the Great White North... Our two countries are heavily dependent on each other, and even though we make jokes about our differences, we're a lot more alike than we are different.
    Enjoy your day!
