Sunday, September 30, 2012

Who designed the wrappers for Bandaids?

Ever wondered? I had an occasion to wonder about it this morning, because accidents still happen, even to us old know-it-alls who 'never make Misteaks'.....

It went like this: I got out the electric drill and some cute little grinding bits for it, to sharpen a couple of knives that have been too long between sharpenings, and I finished off that chore by doing the little boning knife I use in place of a regular paring knife in the kitchen. It's an old one, and that normally thin blade is even thinner now, and the point on it is like a needle. Finishing it off by hand, and getting impatient with this boring chore, I was rapidly moving the little hand
stone back and forth across that pointy little blade, when I moved too far and the stone went past the end of the blade. Brain couldn't apply brakes fast enough, and on the backstroke, the point went deeply into one of my favorite fingers. I quickly grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser to stop the blood, because I hate the sight of blood, especially my own.

Then, after reassuring myself that I would in fact live to act stupidly again another day, I went into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for the bandaids.
These aren't just any bandaids - these are Brand X bandaids, from the big Brand X supermarket nearby - and that's where I ought to have left them. Why? Because a guy could bleed to death while trying valiantly to open one of those 
little bastards which require three hands while only having one available to do it. So today's Question Everything is: "Who's the idiot who thinks bulletproof wrappings on an emergency medical treatment device like a bandage is a great idea? And how do YOU open the goddamned thing with one hand, Smart-ass?" 

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