Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Something on the wall...

Years ago, an uncle of mine was a 'bugologist' (entomologist) in Australia, and
rumor has it that he wrote a book about the little critters, but all of that was well before my time, so I can't really say for sure. My only interest in bugs has
been centered on whether or not I could wipe their remains off my motorcycle helmet's face shield with one glove while steering and giving it the gas with the other, or at other times, admiring the little rascals for their unique appearance.
Lately, if one lands nearby, and I can get close enough with a camera, I take its
picture, and this one is today's attempt at that. I have no idea what it's called, and I rather doubt it does either. Let's just call it 'Ralph', shall we?

And here's one I took yesterday at the construction site behind the North Mall at Park Royal, where Canada's first official covered shopping mall opened in 1950, and has gone through several expansions since, with this latest one in progress. This picture makes me imagine two prehistoric beasts, perhaps in competition, engaging in a 'feeding frenzy' over something's remains before them on the ground. There's just something about it that grabs me.... So the Question Everything today is: "Have I been watching too many of those old sci-fi movies like 'When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth' or 'One Million Years B.C.' or perhaps that other scantily-clad females epic 'Prehistoric Women'? Or is my imagination just working overtime?  And does it really matter? 

Anyhooo.... Our famous-for-being-first-in-Canada nearby mall is reinventing itself yet again, and becoming a veritable village and a town center of sorts for the affluent ( I almost said 'effluent'!) of West Vancouver's 'snob hill' region, where, if you really have to ask 'how much?' you simply can't afford it, Darling!
Many a trophy wife has nearly bankrupted influential husband while proving she didn't have what it takes to run a pricey boutique in our famous mall, where the turnovers are not all of the edible variety which are found in the Food Court.
The beat goes on, Folks - amid all that lust in the dust on the hillside there.  


  1. You're just full of yourself today...

    "Carry on old Boy"...

  2. Have you checked out..."How to take Close Ups on Tommy's blog?

  3. Hey Ray, say HI to Ralph's brother Sam. :-)

    Ya, take some of those cool close-ups.

  4. Geez Ray I thought that was you operating that shovel trying to get rid of Pharaoh Ants.

  5. @ Everybody! .....

    Where do I start? Gee - I take close-ups using the old trial-and-error method: If it works, don't fix it, but if it don't, try again with another setting.... and if I'm too far away to use 'Macro', then the zoom gets a workout. Zooming in on something from maybe 30 feet away will bring out the subject while blurring the background, thus giving the main subject nice definition & focus.
    As long as the light's good, that is. Otherwise, it's "try again"....

    And Pete - If you Google for "world's total ant population" or something similar, you'll probably find that the ants outweigh the humans on planet Earth, believe that or not. So we'd better get used to them taking over, because that's what seems to be happening.
    And how anyone comes up with information like that is a complete mystery to me. Who has that kind of time on their hands?
    How do you calculate the world's population and total weight of ants in the whole world, or even the total weight of all the humans on the planet, including all those bone-in-the-nose bare-assed savages in darkest Bunga-Bunga?
    The kind who eat visitors for lunch without the benefit of Ketchup to improve the taste...
