Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The WSJ on 'Windows 8' ......

Here's the poop from the pontificators at the WSJ on how they see Windows 8 in the business community where it will likely survive or die where desktops are the name of the game.

Speaking of desktops, the folks at netmarketshare would like us to know that in spite of all the buzz about mobiles these days, slightly more than 90% of all our computers are still desktops. So alienating the desktop crowd is equivalent to biting the hand that feeds you if your name is Microsoft, and you're flogging a new system to the enterprise community who call the shots for the rest of us.

Mighty Microsoft calls their new baby 'Windows 8'. I'd call it 'Windows 7 SP2',
and I wouldn't call it at all if I didn't own any mobile devices, which I don't yet.
It doesn't make life any simpler if you're running a standard desktop with a mouse and a keyboard, and that means 90.8% of us, Kiddies.  And Microsoft can spin that any way they like, until its wheels fall off, and it won't change the facts one iota. Can Mighty Microsoft jump over tall buildings in a single bound?
Probably not this time, Beulah - there aren't enough mobiles out there yet in the corporate offices crying out for a newer system, and Daddy Bigbucks doesn't want to spend his billions replacing working desktops with too-easily-stolen mobiles just to satisfy Steven Sinofsky's desire to put Apple in its place a couple of years after the fact. Would I lie to you?

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