Thursday, November 29, 2012

Video: Does the Universe have a purpose?

This is a presentation worth watching, so give it a look and listen, Kiddies....


  1. Good question to ponder dad...

    I guess I just kind of thought that the universe was, well, just there. Like, no purpose, it just is.

  2. @ Tommy -

    It's not something we can do much about, but for a long time now, the brains of the world have been trying to figure out how the universe got started, and when, and why, and by whom. Questions mostly far beyond our ability to ever answer.

    The Big Bang Theory (no relation to the TV show) describes events suggesting some kind of unimaginably huge explosion similar to that of the detonation of a thermonuclear device. Traces have been found after all these eons of its original background radiation - or so they claim.

    That kind of scenario when compared against popular religious philosophy makes me wonder how anything that bad could result in anything this good, and nobody has yet successfully explained that paradox to my satisfaction.

    We all have our fertile imaginations, sometimes working overtime, but nobody can say for sure how or why we got here or even where 'here' really is. This obviously isn't 'Heaven' so that leaves two possibilities: 'Purgatory' or 'Hell' - neither of which are very appealing, in case there's any options available.
