Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our latest 'Indian Uprising'..... some background

With all these recent protests and meetings of chiefs and a hunger strike going on, maybe this article in the Toronto Sun should be required reading before we leap to any hasty conclusions about the situation.

We've had these same problems in Canada for decades. The French have never forgiven the English for winning that battle in 1759 near Quebec City, which gave the English what became British North America, and later Upper and Lower Canada, and our native Indians, 'aboriginals' in politically-correct media-speak, have never forgiven any of us for leaving Europe in the first place and bringing civilization to these backward and chilly shores. I continue to have terrible news for my Buckskin Brothers: we are not going to give you back the country, because you weren't even born when it was lost, and neither were we. 

As the devout Italian mother of nine said in response to the Pope's instructions about
birth control and the use of contraception, "If you no play da game, you no make-a da rules!" And the tail does not wag the dog, no matter how hairy it is.


  1. I'd like to say, only in Canada. But, I don't think I can...

  2. On social media, people are having a blast

    likening Attawapiskat to the federal government.

    Both have a leader who doesn’t answer to the people! Both are in a lousy financial state!

    Left-wing heroine Judy Rebick tweeted: “The Chief in Attawapeskat is the 4th highest paid gov’t leader in the world. Makes US$296,400 compared to $42,000 for average person.”

    The onus isn’t on Canadians to stop asking probing questions.

    It’s on First Nations to answer them — for their own benefit.

    Canadians shouldn’t feel bad for wanting answers about the Chief's finances.

    Unless this changes — and resistance to scrutiny
    must stop — you can bet public support will fall
