Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gays battle straights in Moscow....

Putin doesn't like unauthorized assembly and they claim western liberalism and gay rights activists are contributing to the unpopularity of Putin's leadership.

That's not it at all, tovarishch - Putin is a former KGB and an asshole, and that's why he's not very popular among the people. He's also a warmonger who is trying to bring back the bad old days of the Cold War, by creeping around to China and India seeking support for an anti-American campaign and a military alliance among these Asian nations. He's not happy without an enemy to fight.

He'd like to be another Stalin but his balls aren't quite big enough yet. Someone should tell him those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. And Einstein was right: the commonest element in the known universe isn't hydrogen, it's stupidity. The proof is everywhere!


  1. Gee Ray, I get the distinct feeling that you don't like Mr. Putin. :-)

  2. Dah, tovarishch! Just look into those beady little eyes of his and ask yourself: "Would I buy a used car from this guy?"
