Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This just in from a friend south of the border, down Microsoft way

When the update was first announced the other day, I facetiously named it as "Windows 8.5" and said I was anxiously awaiting its arrival.  Seems Microsoft has latched onto that idea, and actually named it "Windows 8.1" - I love it!
I think I'm gonna like the price, too.  But I fervently hope they don't get too carried away and throw out the baby with the bathwater. There's a lot in Win-8
that I really like, now that I'm reasonably familiar with it. 

And therein lies the secret, Kiddies - get to know it before you start throwing big steaming balls of you-know-what at it. Engage brain before opening mouth, and all like that.... 35,000 Microsoft employees can't all be wrong. And they've already held their latest human sacrifice, so let's move on, shall we?

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