Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just a thought...

Your Holiness, I have terrible news: God is much, much older than the Catholic Church, and yet paradoxically younger than either of us. Go figure!

And as long as I'm doing a rant, may I add that a great deal of your liturgical pomp and circumstance was lifted almost verbatim from that of the ancient Egyptians and their own
practices of thousands of years ago, now considered to be so pagan. I have a hieroglyphic dictionary which allows me to translate their pictographs, and read what they believed and what they did about it, so have some factual basis for these statements. Dominus vobiscum.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ray...Pope Frances is indeed a dope...More over he must be a masochist of the first order...Why?

    What's got to be the worst job in the world? That's Right...The Pope!!!

    I use to think Obama had it...He's only got to deal with a quarter of the world...And he can leave after 4-8 years...The pope's got it for life (Except for the last one)...
    The Pope has got the whole world to contend with...

    I was brought up in a mixed marriage home...My mother was Lutheran...My dad was Catholic...I was the baby of the family and spoiled to some degree...But I was a good catholic boy even though I never became an altar boy...(Latin was not for me.)Today they might call me a "Fallen away" catholic...I might call my self a "run away" catholic...I even wanted to become a priest during my high school days...My mother frowned on that...God bless her...I use to believe that divorce and birth control were bad...Not any more...I don't think I have to say why...Look around us!

    So I fled the church...and its myths...and I believe I am as religious today as I ever was...But I don't go to church as some people do...Live and let live is an old saying...and I'm an old guy...
