Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why can't we give Peace a chance?

I put this together last night, because it represents an average household's shrine in Egypt about 3,400 years ago - a time when, even then, Syria was being conquered by its neighbors. The point being, there's nothing new about 
Syria being up to its ass in a war or a struggle for leadership, or having interfering outsiders trying to tell it what to do. It goes with the territory.

As I'm writing this, I'm watching CNN where they have a notice under the screen saying that the CIA is delivering weapons to the Syrian rebels. And our
American neighbors seem to have forgotten that not too long ago, they were 
hand-in-glove with Saddam Hussein, supplying him with weapons, before they had a falling out or came to their senses, and realized that he wasn't what they
had thought he was. Now, they're rushing into making possibly the same mistake again with these rebels in Syria. Is that the height of stupidity, or what?

On this whole thing, I'm with President Vladimir Putin, who seems to be making a lot more sense lately than the so-called 'leader of the Free World', who appears to be once again sticking America's nose, and its firepower, in places where it doesn't belong. If others treated America in the same ways as America believes it has a God-given right to treat the rest of the world, they'd be howling like hell and crying foul with tears the size of footballs - let's face it.

And all this bullshit about 'America's interests in Syria' ignores the fact that Russia is a lot more connected to the Syrians than the good old U.S. of A. ever was, and probably ever will be - especially if they persist in bullying the rest of the world, simply because they can. That's despicable, and there's no other word for it that I can print here without being censored. No wonder the rest of the world has a generally negative view of America. We didn't elect America as
the Chief of Police for the rest of the world - it grabbed that chore to keep its own military-industrial complex employing a large percentage of its labor force after the end of the Second World War. And let me remind everyone that America dragged its ass for a couple of years entering that conflict, and only did after being attacked by Japan. It held off earlier, because it had a significant segment of its immigrant population from Europe, and in particular Germany, and they resisted taking up arms against 'The Fatherland'. 

So let's keep it real here, Folks, and don't feed me any bullshit - I've been around since 1932, and there's nothing wrong with my memory or my research abilities. And I am well aware of manipulation when I see it. Back in Ancient Egypt in the Good Old Days, they had a saying: 'Slaves may come, and slaves may go, but the Pharaoh lives forever!' And everybody knew what that meant.


  1. Whoa Ray, There is a few items you forgot to mention about your Knight in Tarnished Armour.

    Putin served 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), including six years in Dresden, East Germany. In 1990 he retired from active KGB service with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Now everyone knows how friendly the KGB is.

    Vladimir Putin’s presidential job perks include 4 yachts, 58 air crafts and 20 homes. He also has a fleet of his own luxury cars in addition to the vehicles provided by the state.

    Putin has created a system in which people who run afoul of the government know that they are living with a constant threat to their lives. The Russian people are living in a situation where physical attacks on critics of the government and even murders are expected.

    The Russian government at this point is that any contact an individual has with the state at this point — from getting a driver's license to getting a license for importing something — is unpredictable and humiliating. You're taken for bribes, contracts are broken, there is violence, businesses are taken away. The very wealth that created a long era of contentedness has created this new era of extreme discontent.

    Elections have become the focus because in a way there's nothing more humiliating than going to vote and having your vote blatantly stolen and essentially being told you don't exist.

    Putin and his colleagues do not like the whole idea of seeing a strong dictatorial Syrian leader fall. It is a bit close to home for them and does not set a good example.

    To summarize do you recall Putin's friendship with your favorite Pres. of all time GWB?

  2. Dear Pete:

    I didn't say I'd like to jump into bed with him, although he is kinda cute! And I'm not saying that I accept his kind of politics, or that I'd like to move to Russia, although they do have the best looking women most red-blooded guys have ever seen, not to mention the world's best Vodka, both of which I've been known to be fond of in my younger days.

    What I am saying is that I would prefer a peaceful solution rather than continued war-mongering for the sake of it.

    Looking around this disgusting little planet lately, it is easy to come to the conclusion that homo sapiens hates peace and would far rather fight than eat regularly. The planet is dying, and we're the cancer that's killing it, while we do our best to kill off each other in the process.

    A bag of unwashed turnips has more brains than that.

    So if President Putin has a plan for peacefully solving another potential firefight, then I'm all in favor of it, and that's basically all I'm trying to say here. This isn't about politics, or Vlad's personal fortune, or how many boats he's got - it's just about stopping another escalating idiocy before more people get killed for nothing. Killing more of us will not bring back the dead.
    Granted, the world desperately needs better population control, but there are cheaper and more scientific ways of accomplishing that in more humanitarian ways, so let's try a few of them.

    How President Putin runs Russia is President Putin's problem, not mine or yours. And he quite understandably doesn't give a shit whether we approve or not. But if he can stop another war instead of helping to start one, I'd be willing to kiss his ass until he barked like a fox. And if you've ever heard a fox barking, then you know that it only happens under very special you might want to sell tickets!
