Sunday, October 27, 2013

Morning snow report...


  1. Wonderfully surreal!!! Nice shot Ray...

  2. @ Uncle Ron:

    I'm glad you like it, Uncle Ron. Coming from you, I'm flattered, because you know about such things.

    Do you have any mountains down there or is it fairly flat around there?

  3. We have the Appalachians which are old mountains which have been worn away by time and have "mellowed" for lack of a better word...Quite beautiful with clear rivers and trout streams...My wife Nancy and our four children spent a winter weekend up in a condominium owed by the agency near Lindville Falls NC who I was working for then...While we were exploring the old roads we came across a fellow who had several trout hanging in his hand and we asked where he caught them...He told us to drive up the mountain till we came to a farm with a big pond...He said that they charged 2.00 a fish...Each of my children caught a trout and wanted to fish for more but we had to stop do to our low finances...They were crushed but they still remember that day in mountains and those beautiful rainbow trout...Yum yum
