Friday, October 11, 2013

Smelling and smells....

Yes, I can smell peanut butter....sometimes I dab a little behind my ears (just kidding!) but what if I suffered from hyposmia, a reduced sense of smell, or maybe anosmia, no smellum at all, Kemosabe. The latter, by the way, may indicate the presence of a tumor in the frontal region of the skull - or you might just be one of us dummies who smoked a pack a day for sixty years, and killed off your smeller with nicotine. The good news there being that it does recover somewhat, if you stay off the evil weed.

And that was just the good news. Wait until you see this comforting article.
Smelling the roses may be the least of our worries. Speaking of which, not all that many varieties of roses actually do have smells these days, and it's not your nose - it's genetic engineering and hybrid cross-breeding. The smell didn't survive the generation gap. Isn't progress wonderful? And then there's the problem of olfactory hallucinations, but that's a whole other story.

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