Friday, November 8, 2013

Crystal Ball Gazing.....

Speaking of selling off X-Box and concentrating all the big guns on Office, here's what wrong with that picture.....

OpenOffice, a brainchild helped along considerably by Sun Microsystems in its earlier days, is an absolutely free office suite that does everything you can do with Microsoft Office except pay for it, unless of course you wish to make a donation to further the cause. And it can handle MS Word and other Microsoft files, and convert those to Open Document Format for you. Check it out, please.

And if I was cracking the whip at Microsoft, I wouldn't limit my chances by grabbing the pruning shears without a lot of careful thought, bearing in mind that you aren't the only game in town, and maybe not even the best looking.
Instead of selling off parts of the company, why don't you buy Acer and begin
making your own computers and tablets, and maybe give the competition a run for its money? Why should Apple have all the fun? With Acer, you could do it cheaper, with more bang for the buck, I betcha. Just a suggestion...

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