Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Trivia:

Our big supermarket nearby opens at 6:00 a.m., and I like to get there early, between 7:30 and 8:00, because by then, the first batches of bread and other bakery products are usually out of the ovens, and cooling off on the racks. My main reason for getting there early to the Bakery department is to get a loaf of their delicious Chunky Cheese Bread, before it cools off enough to be put through the slicer. I like it unsliced, so I can cut it thick.

This morning, the bread was still really too warm to wrap, so the baker said to leave the bag open and let it breathe until it cools off. It smelled absolutely delicious, so when I got to the check-out, I held the bag's open end up for Sheena on the cash to smell it. She said, "Ooh! That's good!" and I said "I wish they could make a perfume like this." She replied, "You guys are all the same - you either want a perfume that smells like bacon, or like fresh bread!" So I said,
"Well, Darling, you know what they say - 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' " Sheena smiled and said, "Never was a truer word spoken - enjoy your day!" And I am... now that my Chunky Cheese Bread has cooled off enough to slice.  

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