Saturday, February 15, 2014

It's Tax Time again.....

Made an interesting discovery tonight (or very early this morning, I should say) and that is that our Canada Revenue Agency accepts electronically-filed tax returns any time between 3:00 A.M. and midnight. It was after 3:00 A.M. when
I finally got everything done and double-checked and ready to go, so I consulted their hours of operation and was surprised to discover I didn't have to wait for the normal office hours to send in my tax return. 

The good news being that I'm getting a nice refund, and that's why I'm so anxious to be conscientious and patriotic and all that rot. One of the advantages of not being rich and famous is that I don't need a tax consultant to do my annual paperwork. I can fumble my way through it myself, with the aid of a handy special computer program that does all the 'heavy lifting' for me. All I had to do was fill in a few numbers, and my personal information, and then make a few notes of the program's calculations, just for my own records, and then it was off into cyberspace to the tax office across town. 

The Thought For Today: The difference between a tax collector and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the hide.

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