Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time for a Miley Update....lip tattoo!

Before you ask, "No, it's not going to leave an imprint if you lip-lock, in case you ever got that lucky." And speaking of lip tattoos, it began with race horses for identification.

And today's Question Everything has to be: "If you had over a hundred million rasbuckniks in the Piggybank, would you choose a jacket that looks like it came out second-best in a fight with a wood chipper?"

And yes, as the article mentions, and I'm damned if I know why, Miley does have perfect teeth. Mine, on the other hand, continue to be unemployed, and in their little container somewhere in the bathroom closet. I don't need them because I have no immediate plans for biting anyone.... But if Miley twisted my arm, I could be persuaded to change my mind. Only because I can't run fast enough to preserve my virginity these days....

1 comment:

  1. There are millions of men and women around the world that think about getting lip tattoos on their lips.
