Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What they're saying in Moscow this morning....

There's an extensive list of brief summaries of articles from other sources on the front page today, and you can read it here.

Apparently, if we can believe their press, the Russians seem quite comfortable with the annexation of Crimea. Not terribly surprising, given that they put up with Stalin for 30 years, and various other tyrants before and since, including the present Vlad The Lad, who seems to see himself as the next Stalin, in charge of the resurrected 'Cold War', and the reborn Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 

As Einstein once said, "We cannot solve a problem using the same level of intelligence which created it", and Putin is using 19th Century dogma to solve what he sees as 21st Century problems. And those who refuse to learn from history are forced to repeat it. We've already seen where this takes us, and 
that's why the original Soviet Union broke down. Putin may not like that fact,
but you can't change history, and there's a reason for everything.

Butt-smooching the Chinese and the Indians and renovating the long-range bomber force will ultimately prove to be counter-productive, because the world of today is a lot more closely integrated than it was in 1922 when Stalin began his dirty tricks, and there are fewer places to hide these days from the eyes of the world and our evening news.

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