Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cosmos episode 5

Being about light, I expected more than I got from it tonight. I was expecting something like this:

But what I got was a story of how some famous Arab in a tent with a single hole in it discovered that light travels in straight lines. Not always, it doesn't.
Luckily, I was watching from bed, with the wireless headphones on, because I nodded off after a few minutes, and didn't wake up until a noisy commercial at the end of it. Yawn. Good night, Cosmos... 

I got reading more of the above, because it's very interesting, and Uncle Albert's pet theory has always fascinated me..... for example:

It says, among other things, mass and energy are synonymous, and that the mass of a moving object increases with increasing velocity. That makes sense
to me, because a cannon ball traveling at nearly the speed of light will have a much greater force or energy if it hits something than if it was moving at only a few miles per hour. In the first case, it would probably hit like a large bomb, while in the second case, you could probably stop it without hurting yourself.
It's the same cannon ball, and the only difference was its speed. And speaking of speed, the speed of light is the absolute speed limit, which we can't quite attain, because to do so requires an infinite amount of energy.

Sometimes, I wish I'd stayed in school longer. I might have enjoyed helping look for that 'theory of everything'. Because there's a reason for everything, if only we know how and where and when to look for it. On that note, I hope that some day, we can prove that Mars was once a more complete planet.

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