Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do sanctions work?

Most of Europe's natural gas and oil evidently comes from Russia, and for all the
talk and symbolism of sanctions, they are unlikely to cut off their supplies.

I think the main difficulty in dealing with Colonel Putin of the KGB is that he admires the old Soviet Union, and perhaps imagines himself as another Stalin.
He has been trying to persuade China and India to join him in an Asian power block, while evidently ignoring the fact that India and China are already co-operating in matters of mutual defense and mutual interest, and they could
easily swallow Russia's 143.5 million if they really put their minds to it.

Putin has talked about rebuilding Russia's bomber force, and probably hasn't stopped to think about why intercontinental bomber forces aren't still popular.
They were outperformed by ICBMs, which are more difficult to intercept and
don't have to have an elaborate airfield nor return home to it. Russia's present bomber force consists of some fifty-year-old turboprops, and about three dozen more modern jet bombers, which are no longer cutting edge technology. Maybe because they aren't all that effective, compared to other systems.

And if the Cold War really is over, then Putin should bring home his goon squads
from Ukraine and let some of our favorite nude models get on with what they do best, and let peace return to the valley.

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