Thursday, July 3, 2014

Part of a new Theme in Win-8...

This is the bucolic upper northeastern end of prestigious British Properties in Beautiful West Vancouver. That cute little hill in the background is really two almost identically shaped ones almost perfectly aligned as one. If you look closely at their outlines, under the right light conditions, you will notice that the closer of the two is slightly smaller, and almost the exact same shape as the one behind it.

This is another added to that theme. This jet was coming down from Alaska in the sunset, and even though it was miles away, I had to try to get it. The thin clouds around it are the dispersing trail of a previous aircraft on that same flight path, which at times can be quite busy. Some days, most of the clouds in an otherwise clear sky are spreading jet trails. Sometimes I wonder about the volumes of those exhaust fumes and their effects on the environment. Those in denial of climate change should explain the daily cumulative total of these gases to the rest of us sometime. These are not insignificant volumes, I'm sure. This looks pretty in the sunset, but it's not as harmless as it looks. 

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