Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The insanity continues...

It goes without saying that demolishing 5 mosques certainly won't endear the Israelis to their Arab neighbors, and we don't mean just those being fired upon across the border there. The whole world is watching in disgust and wondering when, if ever, some semblance of sanity and compassion will return to this region.

This has been going on sporadically for 66 years, because each side believes that if they make themselves obnoxious enough, and repulsive enough, and violent enough, then the other side will quietly pack up and go away somewhere else and leave that area to them. Both sides are fighting a losing battle, because neither side has shown any hint of giving in or giving up. And they're all too stupid or too bull-headed to admit they are getting nowhere in 66 years of conflict and misery. If that isn't a sign of some kind of delusional behavior, then it certainly ought to be. When you can't win, can't see that, won't try to compromise, and think you're right and everyone else is wrong, then by most definitions you're 'mentally challenged', or just plain crazy.

And it's damned difficult to convince the rest of us to offer you help, when you so obviously refuse to help yourselves by stopping the bloodshed.

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