Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today's Question Everything....

Question Everything:

"Who paid for that poll.... the Koch brothers?"

Or was it those butt-smoochers who supported 'Dubya' - the guy we all love to hate - that weasel-eyed little warmonger from Texas who has to move his lips when he tries to spell the word 'shit'....the guy who couldn't tell the difference between barrels of oil and weapons of mass destruction....

I think President Obama is probably the first sign of real progress in American politics since the invention of sliced bread in 1928, or the end of Prohibition on December 5th, 1933, or the more recent discovery that bullshit really doesn't baffle brains. And if the Koch brothers want to buy a country's government, why don't they try Venezuela? It's got oil, pretty girls, and politicians even nuttier than they are. And it wouldn't screw up America....

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