Friday, August 29, 2014

What does this remind us of?

Remember when Dubya was trying to drum up support for an invasion of Iraq and we were being shown generic or poorly-drawn sketches of supposed 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'? Imprecise and amateurish artwork hastily thrown together to keep a pot boiling? So let's not take the same bait twice, shall we?

Having said that, would you buy a used car from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, formerly Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB? Not if you have two brain cells to rub together you shouldn't, because he is the kind of guy who never lets the right hand know what the left hand is doing. He wants to rebuild the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, over our dead bodies, if necessary, while pretending to be a humanitarian defender of human rights and an all-around nice guy. But nice guys do not rise to power as fast as he did. And if he really wanted the fighting 
to stop in Ukraine, it would be over in five minutes. You can bet your Lada on that, Tovarishch.

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