Monday, September 1, 2014

How To Be A Great Writer, by Stephen King....

1.) Stop watching TV. Instead, read as much as possible.
2.) Prepare for more failure and criticism than you think you can deal with.
3.) Don't waste time trying to please people.
4.) Write primarily for yourself.
5.) Tackle things that are hardest to write.
6.) When writing, disconnect from the rest of the world.
7.) Don't be pretentious.
8.) Avoid adverbs and long paragraphs.
9.) Don't get overly caught up in grammar.
10.) Master the art of description.
11.) Don't give too much background information.
12.) Tell stories about what people actually do.
13.) Take risks - don't play it safe.
14.) Realize that you don't need drugs to be a good writer.
15.) Don't try to steal someone else's voice.
16.) Understand that writing is a form of telepathy.
17.) Take your writing seriously.
18.) Write every single day.
*Note: There are three more, but these pertain more to writing books, and have been left off this list, because not all of us want to write books. I have copied this list for all, but especially for my old friend Pete, who seems convinced I need help with the ways of the word. Let's consider this a short review.

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