Friday, February 27, 2015

Net Neutrality...

The problem I'm having with all of this is that there are ten Internet users in the rest of the world for every American one. So why should confrontational politicians in the USA make the decisions for all of us? And for that matter, what does a butt-smooching political schemer know about bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, Internet speeds, latency, servers, Internet Service Providers, or networking? And I saved networking to the end, because politicians don't seem to have a clue about that. The word 'compromise' doesn't seem to be part of their vocabulary. But they know all about butt-smooching the big players in the industry to get political favors and contributions for their next election campaign.

As Tom Wheeler, the FCC Chairman said, "The Internet is too important to allow broadband providers to make the rules." I would change that wording to say "American broadband providers" because Americans are only one-tenth of the total Internet population, and the other ninety percent of us certainly deserve to have a voice in making the rules for it. What about people like Bob, who is my Internet Service Provider, and who frequently works long hours keeping his equipment maintained and the system operating smoothly? Shouldn't he have a chance to say something about all this? And what about Internet users like you and I, who pay for the service? Tom Wheeler is right - this is too important to allow a relatively small fraction of one nation's participants to make the rules.

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