Saturday, February 21, 2015

The political zoo


American politics is a zoo. It's nobody's business if President Obama is Christian.
His job description is for running the country, not running for Pope. And for that matter, I know a lot of people who are Christian only in the sense that it is the religion they pay lip service to, but don't practice.

As Lenny Bruce once said, "Every day, people are straying away from the church, and going back to God."

Laurence J. Peter said, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car." 


  1. As Lenny Bruce once said, "Every day, people are straying away from the church, and going back to God."

    Excellent quote there Ray...

  2. Next time you're at church, Tom, please say a little prayer for me.

    I'm a divorced Catholic so I can't participate in all the sacraments,
    and that bothers me because I don't think God is as unforgiving as the Church.

    In fact, the Bible tells us that unless we forgive others, God will not forgive us. And most of us really need forgiveness.

  3. Come over here to my room, we invite Him too, at least via Skype, and we´ll be having a great time! Without all those who have never seen him, but pretend to know not only Him, but also what he thinks.

    Seriously, I think there is a mechanism which keeps the universe going. Maybe Einstein peeped through a tiny crack in the fabric to get a rare and hard-to-explain view of the spheres.....

    (Maxi and Fret, The Rascals, agree).
