Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Television shows are hard to let go."

Dear Sonia:
That's entirely your opinion, probably based on the fact that the rent's due in just 12 more days, and you needed something catchy to flog for a few bucks....

Television is a vast cultural wasteland. It's where fart jokes go to die. Its news organizations can fill four hours of air time with twenty minutes worth of content and endless commercials. Those commercials assume that men all have an I.Q. roughly equal to their belt size, and women, overweight and under cosmeticized though they might be, are all that stands between us and Oblivion.

Television consists of forty minutes of fractured programming per hour broken up continuously by 20 minutes of brainwashing during which we are often treated to the same commercial repeated more than once within the same break as if we're all suffering some debilitating mental disorder that's improved by repetition. So television is also where con-artists go to ply their trade. 

That's why I'm a blogger. I enjoy writing, because it's fun, and I learn things while doing research on Google for confirmation of what I'm saying, or to check my references or my spelling. Google these days being a lot more informative than your average TV show. 

Do I have trouble saying 'goodbye' to a series that's ending? Not at all. I probably already knew it would be back in reruns until we're bored cross-eyed and can quote all its best bits from memory, whether we want to or not. Such as Uncle Milty saying "Good news! They found land on my property in Florida!"

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