Saturday, June 6, 2015

From Facebook, earlier today...

I'm sure some of you may be wondering "Why is this guy from 'The Great White North' poking his nose in our American politics?" Because, Dear Reader, the vast majority of my readers live in the 'Land of the Free, and home of the Brave' and you poor misguided souls seem to be needing all the help you can get to fend off the impending rule of an oligarchy. "And why do you care, you old fart?" you ask. May I please explain?

For most of my lifetime, about 70% of Canadian businesses have been owned or controlled by Americans, and my country has traditionally been America's best and closest trading partner. We're very interested up here in whatever happens down there, because it has direct and immediate repercussions on us.

And I don't like what the Koch brothers and their friends in the Republican party are saying and doing about your President Obama, and his Democratic party. In a previous rant here, I think I mentioned that democracy shouldn't be for sale to the highest bidder, nor an oligarchy of billionaires who, in effect, appear to be trying to restore a form of servitude very reminiscent of slavery, which I think you officially rejected with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. That's nobody's definition of "progress", except maybe for the Koch brothers. And they aren't your elected leaders nor mine, and I fervently hope they never are.

The good news is, both of those Koch brothers are at an age where they won't be around a whole lot longer, with their wacky ideas of Libertarianism and their philosophy of "Let's throw the rule book out the window!" - so if you just ignore them a while longer, they'll go away, and Peace will return to the valley.... at least that's my theory. So invite them to dazzle you with brilliance, rather than baffle you with bullshit. And insist they do that personally, rather than buy the talent for it, like they've been doing. You're being played, folks - don't go for it!

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