Saturday, June 13, 2015

Windows 10, 64-bit now on line....

This didn't take long, did it? Only 14 hours of blood, sweat, and tears, that's all. I haven't had this much trouble trying to get a system installed since I was a complete "newbie" back in 2004. And I can't really understand why. Everything that I tried to do today seemed to take three or four tries before it finally got connected and "latched in" and working as expected. I fervently hope the final version of Wonderful Windows mean....Ten is better, because this gave me a very bad feeling. It was a total F-F-F-F-Fix-up! And it kept me cussing and swearing most of the day, in spite of my good intentions.

But it's running now, and it damned-well better stay that way, or I'm going to replace it with PC-BSD, and the hell with it! WOOF! (And please don't ask me if I smell another Vista coming, because I sure hope not! - That might be the end of Mighty Microsoft, after the recent less-than-popular ones they've turned out.) To re-phrase that last: "Windows 7 is still the smoothest and user-friendliest of the recent lot, and I'd bet my sweet bippy on that!" Draw your own conclusions.

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