Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My Guard Dog


  1. And now I suppose you're going to say that it barks.. :-)

  2. Thankfully, no, it doesn't bark. But it can make almost as much noise.

    It's "The Lookout" for the rest of my Air Force. When it sees me open the
    drapes and show signs of life, it calls the others, and they gather around
    waiting for their bread.

    I've had to cut back on all that lately, because there's now just too many.
    When I started feeding two crows nesting in a tree beneath my window over
    ten years ago, I had no idea how good they are at multiplication, and now
    there's a whole flock of them, and they know where the goodies come from.

    I usually don't feed them in the summers, because they need to learn how to
    do that for themselves, but when the colder weather comes, and natural foods
    are hard to find, then I buy extra bread to feed them.
