Where am I going with this? (I thought you'd never ask!) - I'm going in the general direction of Healthy Skepticism, and I'm wearing my general-purpose Bullshit Protectors, because there's a distinct and pungent odor of fresh bullshit around certain parts of the environmental movement. The environmental movement, as you may recall, celebrates Earth Day as its own birthday. So what, exactly, is Earth Day? Googling the phrase 'Earth Day Canada' gets us this:
The word mark "Earth Day" and the Earth Day logo are registered trademarks of Earth Day Canada (1991) Inc. Charitable registration # 13195 1378RR0001. Use of either of these trademarks for mercantile, promotional and communication purpose is strictly forbidden without the written approval of Earth Day Canada.
A link on our Weather Network site about Earth Day pointed me toward another link to something called 'Bullfrog Power'. Right away, my active imagination kicked in, along with my sensitive sense of smell, and I began thinking of another eight-letter word beginning with the letters 'b-u-l-l'..... I think you can guess the one I thought of. But why would I think that?
Because, if you read the fine print, (and I have!) you'll discover that Bullfrog Power doesn't actually sell or distribute any actual electricity in and of its own accord. It simply sends you a monthly billing for the estimated consumption of electricity which you receive and are separately billed for by your regular electricity provider, who remains solely responsible for servicing your already-established account. And all this costs you is an extra two cents per kilowatt-hour, based upon that aforesaid regular provider's records. Now then, does anyone else detect the distinct odor of anything like bullshit here? Or am I the only one?
Happy Earth Day, Folks....
hi Ray!
ReplyDeleteplease be my oldest follower :)
and please let me know what you think of my artwork...
Why do I get the feeling you haven't even read my blog? Please try to keep the comments at least vaguely close to the topic being discussed.
ReplyDeleteI was going on about 'Earth Day', not about artwork.
ahaha eat-a-heaps kinda sucks like that. He won't be back, i'm sure.
ReplyDeleteYou know what i call bullshit on? The concept of Earthday. I like your intro to this blog. I enjoy the way you define yourself in relation to the Earth. I don't enough of us do this, and i think it's a sad reality. I think mother's day is a great concept, and birthdays and anniversaries alike. Earthday on the other hand is a terrible concept. It's like celebrating mother's day when the other 364 days of the year you treat your mother like a bag of flaming crap. I feel like Earthday is in many ways a step back. It's a way for us to feel good about raping the ground we walk on.
@ 'the.frig'...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments, and I agree with your conclusions 120%. I think that people who make a big show of celebrating Earth Day are a bunch of
damned hypocrites. They're the kind of people who invented the term 'politically correct' I'd bet.