Thursday, November 19, 2009

Images: Dust and Scratch Removal -

Thanks to my friend Eolake in the U.K., for finding this one for us. It's now out of date, but available from an archives site, and even though it comes to us from back in 2002, I'm happy to say it works fine in Windows 7.  "How does it work?" you ask....

Pick an image with lots of scratches, like this one I borrowed from Eolake's website to demonstrate. On the 'Action' menu, select 'Create Mask' and use the default settings....

The program finds and highlights all the blemishes on the image. Again I used default settings, because it's my first time trying it, and then after I got this, I went back onto the "Action" menu and chose "Clean Image".....

And here's the finished cleaned-up image! Isn't this something? You can use Google to find out more, or check Eolake's blog for more information about this, including links to the downloads for Mac and Windows. For Windows, choose the most recent (2007) update on
that archives listing page. 


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