Saturday, March 19, 2011

Winter is closer than Spring

Winter seems to be hanging on longer than usual this year and again last night there was more fresh snow up on the hilltops.


  1. You're CRACKING ME UP, Ray! :-D You're starting to sound like me: absolutely *pining* for SPRING and I want it NOW...DAMMIT!!! :-D

    Should have seen my sweet boxer dog, today: a brief period of sun came out and he was whining to go out and "suntan," IMMEDIATELY! The 'Cutie,' just sat out there, quietly, seeming to be just absorbing every last ray that faintly shone on him! Poor guy! know it's getting "bad," when the DOG is even jumping at the tiny morsels of sun peeking through! :-/

  2. I think the global warming causes more evaporation from lakes and oceans, and that results in more rain and snow, and as it gets worse, we are likely going to have another Ice Age. That's my theory anyway.
