Wednesday, November 16, 2011

B.C. Hydro has been getting hell lately, because.....

Because their 'smart meters' are basically spyware, for starters, but also because they've been claiming to make a profit while all the while, for the past nine years or so, they've been losing money consistently, but hiding that fact from the general public by using some tricky and highly unorthodox 'creative accounting' with which they've been converting present losses into future debt on some kind of deferred payment scheme. A scheme that we are told has no definite repayment schedule and seems to be very vague about details.  Like I said, 'creative accounting' - not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

And it's the 'same old, same old' when it comes to Hydro's top brass and the provincial government's political bosses. Hydro's income is still being milked by its government masters and converted into 'General Revenues' on the government's books, to cover the government's own fiscal follies using money that should rightly go towards maintenance and renewal and expansion of our province-wide electrical grid and the generation facilities which provide its power. There's really nothing new under the sun, Folks. I worked for those bastards for 20 years, and I know where the skeletons are buried, but there's nothing much I can do about it, so please don't ask. But if you're playing ball with those guys, keep your eye on the bat, and keep your butt towards the wall.

And of course they aren't gaining any popularity by having their contracted tree-trimmers commencing operations in your neighborhood at 14 minutes after seven in the morning when it's not even fully daylight yet, and you maybe haven't had your first cuppa of the day. That also puzzles me, because as one of those contractors told me recently, they don't usually rush into jobs for Hydro, because it usually takes Hydro three months or so to get around to paying them for their work. Maybe they have to go back to their provincial masters and get the money back out of 'General Revenues' do you suppose? It's a terrible tangled web out there, I kid you not.

And this is what they get for raising hell in my neighborhood at the crack of dawn for no good goddamned reason on an otherwise half-decent morning. No wonder they aren't wildly popular among the unwashed masses. They seem to think 'public relations' means having sex in the city park, and if brains were dynamite, there's a few of them that would find blowing their noses to be a formidable challenge.  


  1. Give'm Hell Ray...

    My first big laugh of the day!

    So they woke you up huh?

    You are Toooo MUCH...

  2. @ Uncle Ron -

    Do you ever have problems like this down there in South Carolina? Do the people at your electric company think '60 cycles' means five dozen bikes?

    Need an Ass-kicker and Spin-Doctor Unspinner? And remember - 'Live Better Electrically - Carry A Flashlight'.

    Enjoy your day, Uncle Ron!

  3. Do the people at your electric company think '60 cycles' means five dozen bikes?

    This line reminds me of an old song sung by Ruddy Valley called, "Kitty, Kitty,Kitty from Kansas City"...The line goes like this..."She's so sweet and oh she is a dear...She thinks Einstein is one glass of beer"...look it up...

  4. Now I know I'm getting old...I looked up the song Kitty from Kansas City sung by Rudy Vallee...and it doesn't even have a line in it like mine...check this out...

    I have traveled everywhere in most every state;
    I've met girlies here and there and I think they're great.
    But there's one that pleased me and squeezed me and teased me,
    Down old Missouri way.

    Her name was Kitty, from Kansas City,
    Sure was a pity she wasn't pretty,
    Hey, Hey she's not hard to see,
    She weighs two-forty three,
    I hope she doesn't get much fatter,
    But if she does, it doesn't matter;
    Kitty from Kansas City,
    Now there's a girl that I adore,
    She's so dumb, she doesn't know a thing,
    She thinks that July the Fourth is an English King!
    I love her, I love her, that's easy to see
    It's Kansas City Kitty for me.

    Her name was Kitty, from Kansas City,
    Sure was a pity she wasn't pretty,
    Hey, Hey I loved her just because,
    She's not the girl she was,
    How she can cook, and she can wash,
    But when she starts to love,
    Oh, Gosh!
    It's Kitty from Kansas City,
    Now there's a girl that I adore,
    She's so dumb, her brain is in a whirl,
    Why she thinks that Babe Ruth, is a chorus girl!
    I love her, I love her, and I'm up a tree,

    Now how did I do that?
