Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome Back, Monsieur Beep!

Es hat 55 Tage seit Ihrer letzten Blogeintrag, und ich war immer besorgt über Sie. Ich bin froh, dass Sie gesund und munter sind.

(And I hope Microsoft's Translator worked correctly!)  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for caring, Ray. I´ve changed my blogger appearance a tad.
    I´ve been neglecting blogger a bit, but my main journal is still kept on flickr.
    I now have two dogs, and I´m constantly posting photos of them, documenting their life.
    Their names are Maxi and Fret.

    Hope you´re keeping well, Ray. I like your extensive blogger activity. Many useful information. As you know, I come and visit from time to time.
